International Fashion Encounter – 10 Editions and Counting

international fashion encounters shows

International Fashion Encounter just had its 10th show in Toronto. And it has made the mark! With so many fashion shows downsizing, shutting down and reconsidering its concept. International Fashion Encounter has just proved that it is here to stay and only get better – with more great designers and the biggest crowd in attendance ever.

Is there a secret to the IFE show’s success?

As a photographer I have watched and documented many of their shows – starting from the fittings, behind the scenes and from the media pit. Each and every time it was well organized, it attracted great professionals. Most of them went through the Toronto Fashion Academy training courses. 

Although it seemed like with every year the show was getting better as if by magic it was not the magic that brought together such a great team. But a lot of work and great professional eye and many years of experience.

Every year the roster of designers showing at IFE is getting bigger and more exciting. No wonder, for them the show offers easy logistics, and great PR  and media coverage opportunities. 

Advantages for international designers

The show also welcomes international designers who are looking at Canada as a potential market for their new clothing lines. 

Due to the great reputation and quality of the show, IFE offers a great package for sponsors. No wonder- it attracts a great crowd of fashionistas and style-minded people.

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